Ladies and Widows of Bay Cities Lodge

On February 21, we invited the Wives, Widows, and Daughters of our mason members to our Annual Valentines Day Dinner.

On this page, we have Eastern Star members from three area chapters.  Easter Star is mostly of women, but welcomes men who are Master Masons to join.

How we test our candidates

Six of our degree candidates help in serving our stated dinners.  We encourage candidates to help serve the food so we can get to know them better.

Changes? Bring them on!

Back in 1947, our country was reeling from many major changes. Word war II brought war to our nation. Over 400 thousand Americans died as a result of war casualties. Furthermore, the cold war was beginning…in June of 1948 the Berlin airlift started.

Meanwhile, California and the Bay Area were growing substantially. People who lived here started having children and others came from other states for jobs. California population grew from 6.9 Million in 1940 to 10.6 Million in 1950. There was a great demand for houses being built in areas north of Berkeley and Albany and East of Richmond.

Masonic membership grew rate greater than the population, and Many new lodges opened:

Membership in the area served by our 11 lodges grew from just over 1,000 in 1920 to nearly 4,000 in 1950.

  Carquinez Lodge# 337 (Founded 1899) meeting in Crockett
  Pinole Lodge #353 (Founded 1903) Meeting in Pinole
  McKinley Lodge #347 (Founded 1902) meeting in Richmond
  Charter Rock Lodge #410 (Founded 1910) in Berkeley
  Alpha Lodge #431 (Founded 1912) in Richmond
  Thousand Oaks Lodge No.478 (founded 1920) in Berkeley
  Stephens Lodge #451 (Founded 1923) in Berkeley
  Shattuck Lodge # 471 (Founded 1923) in Berkeley
  Harbor Lodge #502 (Founded 1923) in Richmond
  Point Lodge #503 (Founded 1923) in Richmond
  Albany Lodge #686 (Founded 1945) in Albany

Bay Cities Lodge continues to embrace our changing neighborhoods and offer to all qualified men the benefits of freemasonry. Feel free to ask us; we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Just Over 100 Years Ago, Seven Lodges Served Our Region

The decade ending in 1920 was a period of much suffering, and lot of change.  In 1918, World War One ended, with an American death toll of more than 116 thousand.  During 1918 and 1919, over 650 thousand Americans died of the Spanish Flu. The 18th Amendment ended most legal alcohol consumption, and the 19th Amendment finally gave American adult women the right to vote.

In response to these events, freemasonry changed and new masonic organizations were created.  In 1919, Frank S. Land and a group of young boys, including some orphans of freemasons, started what later became the first Chapter of DeMolay International.  Also created about this time were two organizations for girls:  the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls and Job’s Daughters.

In California, freemasonry became more popular.  The number of California Freemasons quadrupled from 21,579 in 1899, to 85,181 in 1921.  American freemasonry was entering its golden age.  The number of American freemasons reached over 3 million by 1924.  By that time, nearly 6 out of every 100 American males were freemasons.

Lodge membership in our area grew from 25 members from 1 lodge in 1899, to over 2,000 members from 7 lodges by 1921, which included:

As the Covid-19 pandemic eases, and we cautiously start attending meetings again, the members of Bay Cities Lodge No. 337 are remembering our past and building a better tomorrow. Our members want to have a direct and beneficial impact to our communities, through our charities, and on a personal level. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month for stated meetings at the Richmond Masonic Hall, 5050 El Portal Drive, in Richmond at the edge of El Sobrante.

Where Can I see the Lodge Calendar?

The Web Master maintains the public lodge calendar, and updates it as events get scheduled or changed.

Some dates get changed as lodge requirements change.  If you are interested in an event more than a month away, please check again in the Trestleboard as the date approaches.

In order to make sure we have room for you, please RSVP in advance by using the lodge app or by contacting a lodge officer.

Here is the link to the Lodge’s Public Google Calendar:

Here is a link to the online Bay Cities Lodge #337 web page:

Prior Bay Cities Trestleboards

Click one of the links below to view our Prior Trestleboards:

(Compressed)(Backup)Trestle Board Feb 2023(1) (2)

Bay Cities’ Trestleboard Jan’23 (1)

November 2022 TB2

October 2022 TB2

September2022 TB2

August 2022 TB2

July 2022 TB2

2022 june Trestleboardl_.wps

05- May 2022



02 – February 2022

january Trestleboard4 (1)

12 Dec Trestleboard Final

11 – November_2021_Trestleboard










01 – January 2021

12 – December 2020

11 – November 2020

10 – October 2020

09 – September 2020

08 – August 2020

07 – July 2020

06 – June 2020

05 – May 2020

04 – April 2020

03 – March 2020 (1)

02 – February 2020 (1)

01 – January 2020

12 – December 2019

11 – November 2019

10 – October 2019

09 – September 2019

08 – August 2019

06 – June 2019 (June AND July)